And Google openly gets even creepier indeed.
Glad I don’t use their crap and glad I wont have to change my name but I do agree that some of you indeed might have to. Have fun with that.
P.S. To all you “End Times” / “Mark of the Beast” conspiracy theorists. Have fun with this story, ok? Could this be the predicted chip implant you all have been talking about for the last 30-years? 0OooooOooooo! 2012 is drawing neigh.
As for ME: This story got me thinking generally about how responsible we actually were, my generation (the millennials), the first youths (now 27 ish – 37 ish) to use “teh” internets socially: With our self-hosted photo albums, chat rooms, made up handles, and self-hosted cam pages. Our only foe is the “Way Back Machine” and that is no where as intrusive as are the rest of these asshole companies today. I think we were more responsible by comparison to how doltishly irresponsible the newbs are currently – (the younger kids, the well older people, and the small town folk who are just now getting internet) who literally put anything and everything up along with their real name on deceitful robber-baron servers, without thought. And ironically this seems to be the same majority who are more concerned with being “hacked” and who probably solely support the anti-virus software industry too.
This ironic demographic, in my opinion, are totally like the “obesity epidemic” demographic: People who don’t want to stop ravenously consuming food as the obvious solution to their problem are like people who see no harm in ravenously consuming their, and their neighbor’s, own personal privacy to death. In every case these foolish people would rather dumbly consume something else, be it a diet pill, diet food, or their own natural born identities and names in order to “fix” their stupid problem with over-consumption.
Consuming to fix your over-consumption disease. How beautifully pathetic.
That leaves this commentary with one last argument for the marketing sociopaths and those reiterating parrot people devoid of brain activity …
To the anti-privacyists, sly corporate fundamentalists, and the clueless newbs: If you’re so willing to share your whole life on Google and FB that it could come to implanted microchips for everyone, then why even bother with passwords and anti-virus ware on your accounts and systems today?
Let it all go and be completely free! You know like the “free,” STD spreading love of the 60’s!
Post your accounts and logins RIGHT below for the rest of us to read. It’s your revolution. Viva la’ unsustainable consumption baby!